Weight Loss Yoga Poses
Yoga is a great way to lose weight if practised regularly using the right form. It is light on the joints and the chances of injury – if done initially under the guidance of a trained professional – are minimal. Moreover you don’t have to waste thousands on that expensive gym membership; yoga can be practised from the comfort of your home.
All you need are some comfortable clothes and a yoga mat and you are good to go. So to start you off on your weight loss journey, here are 7 yoga poses.
Benefits: It strengthens the core muscles, thighs and tones the buttocks.
Avoid this pose if you have a knee or back injury.
Stand straight on your yoga mat with your hands in namaste in front of you.
Now raise your hands above your head and bend at the knee such that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Bend your torso slightly forward and breathe.
Stay in this position for as long as you can. Gently go back to the standing position.
2.Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)
How To Do It
Lie on your belly with your arms rested beside your body. Your palms must be facing up and your forehead must rest on the floor.
Turn your big toes towards each other – this will inwardly rotate your thighs. Firm your buttocks.
As you exhale, lift your head, upper torso, arms, and legs away from the floor.
Firm your legs and heels, and ensure your big toes are turned towards each other.
Raise your arms such that they are parallel to the floor, and stretch them through your fingertips.
Push your arms towards the ceiling.
Look forward or slightly upwards. Keep the back of your neck erect.
Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. Exhale and return to the initial position.
Makarasana (crocodile or sea monster pose) is one variation. After you reach the final position of shalabhasana, clasp your fingers, and press the palms against the back of your head.
Stretches and strengthens the shoulders, chest, and belly.
Stimulates the abdominal organs.
Relieves stress and improves posture.
3.Vrksasana or tree pose
Benefits: This aasana is great for the muscles of your abdomen and tones the thighs and arms.
If you have injured your knee or back please do this aasana under the supervision of a trained expert.
Stand with your legs together.
Now put most of your weight on one leg and a little weight on the other leg.
Now raise the leg with the least weight such that your foot is facing inwards, towards your opposite knee.
You can hold your ankle to help you pull up the leg.
Place the heel of your foot on your inner thigh of the other leg, as close to the pelvis as possible.
Now gently raise your hands above your head making sure your fingers are pointing towards the ceiling.
Make sure you focus your mind and try to maintain your balance.
Breathing steadily and focusing on one spot in front of your eyes helps in maintaining the pose and not falling over. Do not try to hold a chair or wall for support while doing this pose.
4.Nauka Chalan (Boat Pose)
How To Do It
Sit on the floor with your legs spread straight before you. Place your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, with the fingers pointing towards your feet.
Lift through your breastbone and lean back slightly.
Keep stretching the front of your torso.
As you exhale, bend your knees, and lift your feet off the floor. Your thighs must make an angle of 45 degrees with the floor.
Stretch your arms alongside your legs. They must be parallel to each other and to the floor.
Try to maintain the position for about 20 seconds. Return to the initial position.
Ardha navasana (half boat pose) is one variation that can be done.
After you have attained the final pose of navasana, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Exhale slowly, and lower your legs slightly. Stretch your elbows out to the sides, and ensure the tips of your big toes are in line with your eyes.
Strengthens the abdomen and hip flexors.
Stimulates the kidneys and intestines.
Relieves stress and improves digestion.
5.Uttanasana or forward bending pose
Benefits: This aasana stretches the hamstrings and puts pressure on the muscles of the abdomen. It also makes the blood rush to your head, helping your body switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, helping you relax.
To perform this pose, stand straight.
Raise your hands from the front to above your head as you inhale slowly.
Then bend forward completely pushing your buttocks back till your palms touch the floor and your forehead touches your knees. Come up slowly to the standing position.
6. Pavanmuktasana (Wind-releasing Pose)
How To Do It
Lie down on your back and keep your legs straight. Relax.
As you inhale, lift your legs, and bend them at the knees.
Clasp the legs with both your hands, and try pressing them against your stomach.
Touch your chin with your knees. In order to do this, you might have to lift your head a little.
Stay in this position for about 20 seconds, and get back to the initial position as you exhale.
There are two variations for this pose. Sulabh Pawanmuktasana, wherein you keep your head on the ground instead of lifting it, and Ardha Pawanmuktasana, wherein you bend only one of your legs instead of both.
Stimulates the abdominal organs, thereby increasing their efficiency and improving digestion.
Relieves constipation.
Helps reduce fat in the abdominal area.
7. Surya namaskar or sun salutation
Surya namaskar is a set of yoga aasanas done in succession. It has amazing weight reduction properties since it employs various forward and backward bending aasanas that flex and stretch the spinal column giving a profound stretch to the whole body. Believe it or not this is a full body workout like no other. It has a deep effect in detoxifying your internal organs through copious oxygenation and has a deeper relaxing effect.
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