Benefits of Spinach Juice for Skin

Benefits of Spinach Juice for Skin
Skin is the largest and the most sensitive organ of our body. We all crave for healthy and glowing skin as it enhances our appearance to a great extent. Thus, even our skin needs certain nutrients for maintaining its health. Green leafy vegetables are great for skin and spinach is no exception.  Loaded with most useful vitamins like Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K as well as vital minerals, this vegetable plays an important role in skincare. Following are the benefits of spinach for skin.

1.Skin Repair
Vitamin C is another antioxidant in spinach that works to repair skin cells and keep your skin looking beautiful. 

You need vitamin C to make collagen, a protein used to manufacture new skin cells. Without adequate vitamin C, you will experience dry, scaly skin. 

One cup of spinach contains 18 milligrams of vitamin C, or 20 and 24 percent of the RDA for men and women respectively.

2.Sun Protection
Spinach is rich in vitamin B which protects your skin from the harmful ultra violet rays that cause sun damage, skin cancer and pre-mature ageing of skin.

3.Cures Acne
Spinach is effective in clearing up acne, thus maintaining healthy skin. To get rid of acne, you can make a face mask by blending spinach with little water and applying it on your face for 20 minutes. 

This will remove dirt, oil and inflammation from your skin, thus refreshing and rejuvenating it from within.

You can also drink spinach juice with other vegetable juices mixed in the following proportions, ½ tomato, ¼ cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 celery, ½ red pepper, ½ cup cabbage, 1 green onion and a handful of spinach. 

Blend these ingredients to get the juice and drink it daily. This is effective for skin healing and prevents acne.

4.Improves Complexion
Being rich in vitamin K and folate, spinach gives you a clear complexion by minimizing acne, bruising on the skin and dark circles. 

The bounty of vitamin and minerals in this vegetable give you quick relief from dry itchy skin, thus providing you with a radiant complexion.

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