5 Simple Exercises to Keep Your Body Fit , 5 Best Tips To get A Fit Body

5 Simple Exercises to Keep Your Body Fit 
You put in long hours at work, or maybe even work overnight shifts. You’re tight on money. You want to spend downtime with friends. A hurricane or polar vortex has you barricaded in your home. Whatever the reason, there are times when you just can’t make it to the gym. We’ve been there. And so ling as you don’t use that as an excuse to skip workouts, you’re golden. There’s no reason you can’t build muscle, strength, and size at home. It won’t take all day either. Training with minimal equipment, or even your bodyweight, is enough to get you in the shape you want. 

1.Cardiovascular Workouts

To get your heart pumping you need to have a cardiovascular exercise in the morning. The cardiovascular exercises will get your heart pumping, balances blood flow and also improves your air intake. Jogging, cycling, brisk walking or aerobics can be the starting point. In case you can’t go outside for a warm up you can do the same at home. Spot jogging is a good exercise for the body. You can even choose to dance to your most favourite songs.
Your warm up can just be for a minute, if you can’t spare enough time. March in place with your knees raising high for 30 seconds. You can then go into a slight spot jog to make your body warm. You will then be ready for a good workout.

2.Wall push-ups (for chest, shoulders and triceps)

Place your hands slightly wider than shoulders on the wall (shoulder height) and your feetaway from the wall a slant angle (the more slant the angle, more difficult it gets). Inhale as you bend the elbows downwards next to your ribs and exhale as you push the entire body up, maintaining the angle (do not come back to the erect standing position).
Remember: The whole body from crown of the head to toe remains in one line. The hips should not dip, the spine should not arch as you go down and push up from the wall. Keep the core strong and alive and use it along with your arms to push up.
Do 10 to 15 reps with control, the slower the better.
Breathing should be along with the movement and not before or after.
Once this gets easier, decrease the angle between your body and the floor.
Graduate to holding the lower position for 5 to 10 counts.
Once this gets easy, challenge yourself by repeating the exercise against a high bed, then a sofa and gradually on the floor with your body parallel to the floor.

3.Jump Squats

Begin with Jump squats, for which you would not require your dumbbells. Squat down and push yourself up by jumping. You need to land back on your feet and lower into a squat again. Repeat the same process for 30 seconds. To have a good balance you can hold your fists tight in front of you.

4.Lunges With Chest Flies

Holding a dumbbell in each hand put your right leg forward. Bend the knee of the right leg and drop your left leg down until the knee almost touches the ground. The right leg knee should not go past the foot. As you go into the lunge stretch your arms to the sides. Come back into the standing position and press your hands to the front for the chest fly. Continue the lunge and chest flies for one minute, using alternate legs.

5.Bicep Curl and Stair climb

Using stairs is always recommended and it can keep you healthy and active. The stair climb will tone your legs and the bicep curl with strengthen your arms. You need to have a flight of stairs in front of you. Hold the dumbbells in your hand and climb the stairs. You need to perform bicep curls along with the climbing. Repeat climbing the stairs and bicep curls for 30 seconds. You will feel the burn in your legs and arms.

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